
National Plants at Work Week – Guest Blog from eFIG

01 July 2013

National Plants at Work Week 8th – 12th July

National Plants at Work Week

During the second week of July we will launch National Plants at Work Week. Why are we doing it? Well eFIG wants to remind everyone from interior landscapers through to businesses and the general public, just how important it is to have plants in our lives even at work. Or maybe especially at work.

The reasons are well researched and documented as important for our health and wellbeing and our motivation. So during NPWW eFIG and its members, including official partners Urban Planters and Indoor Garden Design, will be reminding everyone just why they should have plants in their workplace.

  IGD - official partner   Urban Planters - official partner

The message will go out far and wide in various forms, but the main force will be via social media. It seems these days that all businesses, big or small, are into social media in some way so it’s the perfect platform. And of course many workers are on social media themselves so it’s an easy medium to get the message out there.

The week before
In preparation for the big week, we will be collecting images from iconic locations and promoting the ‘Take me to Work’ plant initiative via our two official partners. This involves leaving a plant with a tag on it in a random location where a worker can find it and take it into work.

National Plants at Work Week

At the end of this week a press release will go live on PRNewswire so that it can be picked up by national and regional media around the country. We are hoping to create a lot of interest.

Daily messages
Each day of National Plants at Work Week eFIG will post plant benefit tips, pictures of great designs, background information on at least one plant on both Facebook and Twitter. Every morning of the National Plants at Work Week at 11 a.m. you are invited to join our ‘Twitterthon’ #plantsatworkweek with your thoughts on plants in the work place.

We will post a case study from one of this year’s Gold Award Winners on eFIG’s website.

Want to get involved?
• Start by looking at our Facebook page and liking us.
• Join in our #plantsatworkweek conversations on Twitter during the week 8th – 12th July at 11a.m.
• Make some tags and leave a plant on the steps of a corporate building in your area. Who knows, they might become a client.

National Plants at Work Week - QR code

Coll Smith
eFIG Marketing Coordinator