Need I remark upon the weather? I think we in the UK are all well aware of the relentless rain sweeping across the country this “summer”, and while washout holidays and the sight of our barbecues gathering rust do nothing for the morale, there are more serious consequences to this record-breaking wet weather for businesses such as garden centres.
Most recent figures from the Garden Centre Association show that sales are down by almost 7 per cent on the previous 12 months. Perhaps unsurprisingly, outdoor plant sales have taken one of the biggest hits, as gardeners are unable to get out into the garden due to the downpours.
But there are areas where garden centres have seen a spike in sales: namely slug and snail killer. According to Garden Trade News, sales in slug killer are up 149 per cent, while the leading brand, Bayer Bio slug pellets, saw sales rocket by 186 per cent compared with June last year.
It’s hardly surprising: a wet and warm spring and summer, not to mention the mild winter, have provided ideal breeding conditions for these molluscs and it is estimated that the UK slug and snail population will double this year. With the average UK garden thought to be home to around 20,000 slugs and snails, it’s no wonder we are stocking up on pellets!