When it comes to improving concentration and reducing stress, plants pass the test with flying colours
It’s exam season, a time we associate with stress and pressure. A lot of pupils and students will currently be cramming in the last bits of information before they head to the exam halls in the hope of getting all-important good grades.
Most of us know that feeling of anxiety when entering an exam hall, but there is a simple way of helping students not only feel less stressed when they are doing their exams, but also help them to concentrate in the classes leading up to the big test. Yes, it is plants.
Indoor plants, as I have said before, are an invaluable addition to any classroom: they clean the air, reducing a number of common health complaints such as headaches and sore throats as well as connecting people back with nature, which can make them feel happier and less stressed.
But a big plus for those preparing for, or in the middle of, an exam, is that plants have also been proven to improve concentration. Research carried out by Professor Lohr in Washington, found that a group of pupils given a computer task to perform while in the vicinity of a large number of plants worked 12% faster than another group working in a room with no plants.
What’s more, the blood pressure and pulses of the group working near plants returned to normal more quickly after the task than the other group of pupils (Source: Building with Green and Light, published by Ki Plant BV).
So it makes sense that classrooms and exam halls should have a good number of plants in them to help students achieve their full potential during this crucial time in the academic year.
For more Exam revision tips, please go to bbc.co.uk
Image source: Aberystwyth University.