Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the air are increasing, thanks to deforestation as well as the huge consumption of gas and oil we use to heat our buildings and travel in cars and planes. The more CO2 in the air, the more listless and fatigued humans become, and the worse the effect on the environment, contributing to climate change.
While we are by no means claiming that plants are the cure to pollution, it has been proven that they can significantly improve air quality.
According to a study by NASA indoor houseplants can remove up to 87% of air toxins in 24 hours.
Through photosynthesis, plants emit oxygen into the air which we need to breathe. Plants also absorb, and therefore lower, levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases in the air.
In this way, plants regulate climate and make it balanced and healthy, not only for you but for the environment. And if you use plants to clean air, you’ll be avoiding air fresheners and lowering your use of air conditioning.
Having houseplants is one simple way to work towards cutting your CO2 footprint. They can reduce the need for heating and cooling further, slashing energy bills dramatically, as well as filtering the air.
FACT: A spider plant placed in a small enclosed space can remove 96% of carbon dioxide from the air.
Dr B.C. Wolverton, NASA