Our new campaign reveals the many health and business benefits of office plants.
When you think of the point of office plants, what comes to mind?
Maybe you think indoor plants are something nice to look at in an otherwise drab workplace or empty corner.
Or, in your office, are they more of a handy screen between desks in an open plan set-up? They may even be used as a natural barrier to stop people walking through unsafe areas, such as under low stairways.
Maybe they are even bit of a burden, especially if your role is to look after them. Facilities managers, for example, are busy enough without having to worry about ensuring the added greenery continues to look good.
However, have you ever though of plants as being an important contributor to workplace productivity and the bottom line? Believe it or not, plants bring real value and business benefits to the workplace which can outweigh any cost outlay or labour input.
Plants are important to indoor working environments in many ways, but most particularly in terms of helping the workforce to stay healthy, happy and productive.
What’s more, if they are chosen correctly and cared for properly, they can easily flourish indoors, so they don’t have to create much extra work for busy Facilities or Office Managers.
The Value of Plants
We are launching a new campaign this week called ‘The Value of Plants’, to show how plants are a positive force in any indoor workplace.
Using a series of infographics, we have gathered a range of fascinating facts about the value of plants from a wide range of studies by universities, research foundations and even NASA.
The first, shown above, focuses on how plants are good for business.
Did you know, for example, that putting plants in a ‘lean’ (minimally decorated) office, can increase productivity by 15%? Or that plants can significantly reduce levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)? With 40% of workforce absenteeism linked to indoor air pollution, this is something to consider, given the impact of sick leave to a business’ operations.
Through the campaign, we are hoping to show that the office plant is so much more than simple good looks. By cleaning our air, improving humidity and providing a connection to nature which improves stress levels and productivity, plants work hard to boost our working day, and the business’s bottom line.
Growing healthy, happy workplaces
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and as part of the campaign, the Mental Health Foundation has revealed findings that 65% of us in the UK will suffer a mental health problem in our lifetimes. This is a shocking statistic, and the Foundation is calling on us all to think about why more of us aren’t thriving.
Given this, it seems our campaign is all the more timely. We spend more and more time indoors and at our desks these days, but by having plants close to us, we can reconnect with nature and, in turn, feel happier, less stressed and more engaged in our work.
For more information on The Value of Plants, see our health benefits page.