BMW Summit One
April 2019
BMW’s external grounds at its Farnborough branch were in need of finer detail maintenance work, so they approached Urban Planters Reading to discuss what they could offer.
We were delighted to help and provide a comprehensive package of care, including such detailed work as removing cobwebs for the shrubs on each visit and chemically cleaning algae from the stones of algae.
Our regular visits year round ensure the site looks consistently clean and well-maintained.
One of our first jobs when we took over the work was to give all the lawns a complete rehab, aerating, spraying, fertilising and seeding them, to revive them and keep them looking healthy going forward.
We have also worked hard to improve biodiversity across the site, installing over 50 bird, bat and insect boxes around the site and establishing a 500-square-metre wildflower meadow.
The site has been further improved by replacing failing plants with others better suited to the location.