March 2020
Overbury (Main Contractors)
When our National Sales team sat down with JLL and Overbury to discuss designs for the new planting scheme for JLL’s northern office, it quickly became clear that air purification was the main priority.
Taking this on board, we suggested including a Naava screen in the scheme. These pioneering ‘Active Air’ living walls use microbes around the plants’ roots to purify the air and optimise humidity, then send the clean air into the room using in-built fans, all monitored by smart technology.
We complemented the Naava wall with two GSky living walls, planted with a mixture of green tones to create eye-catching designs, and a living column, with Tetrastigma voinierianum stretching to the ceiling from a bespoke circular seating planter. These walls, along with cabinet top and hanging planters, allowed us to maximise the amount of air-cleaning plants without taking up valuable floor space.
JLL were also looking for a look and feel to the planting which was beyond the usual. To meet this brief, we selected a range of free-standing office plants in a mixture of metallic and geometric planters, creating variety and interest throughout.